
Always remember: you are not alone! You will always have access to support and people around you that want to help. You just need to be willing to let them.

Also, learn to forgive yourself, as painful as it is. Accept your mistakes and keep moving forward. Everything is going to be okay.

I originally started writing this for myself, but then realised I can use it as a tool to help others going through something similar too and so I’ve made it publicly accessible to anyone who has a link to it.

Change comes from small steps over time, so build a habit that gets you to where you want. Now envision you have already succeeded. What does that look like to you? Hold on to that.

In my opinion, the most important thing is to find something that works for you. That may be a combination of techniques or using a bit of this or a bit of that. Not everything works for everyone, so build an armoury of techniques that help YOU! If something doesn’t work for you, drop it, something else will.

Firstly, I suggest you watch this video, because it changed a lot for me personally. You’ll be amazed how just standing differently can change the way you feel:


Apps you can look into

<aside> ⚠️ There are no referral links here. I’m making no money recommending these apps. This is all down to personal experience.


I have a difficult time building up a habit using apps, mainly because my ADHD can make me go “you can be shooting space aliens right now, dude!” and that’s way more fun than self-reflection. Sometimes I can push it away, but most of the time I’ll probably choose chain sawing a demon from hell in half and maniacally laughing at all the bloodshed.